C.K. McClatchy High School
Class Of 1962

Residing In: | Manteca, CA USA |
Spouse/Partner: | Warren |
Occupation: | Retired. |
Children: | 11 Kids, mine, his and 5 adopted |
ELLEN Kay's Latest Interactions
Posted on: Jul 18, 2023 at 7:37 PM
Happy Early Birthday Michelle. Looking over our last little conversation, Caught the email about your upcoming B-Day. I’m still quilting, although I have some great help with an Accuquilt GoBig cutter. I also use pre fused laser cut quilt kits. My friend Michelle does my hand sewing of the bindings. Also have computerized embroidery machine, so between all the “HELPS” I can still quilt. Also still oil painting. I prep the canvases, pick out picture to paint, Friend Patti sketches the picture for me then I go for it. Love to do portraits. Hands are getting worse, but I have adapted by holding the paint brushes at an odd angle, but it works for me. I also run a community outreach project for homeless children. Making custom pillowcases for the kids housed at Hope Family Shelters here in Manteca. I purchase most of the fabrics, some also donated to my project. I have 16 ladies that also sew for me. I make up the “kits” log and number them, put out the word. So far we are at about 960 since COVID. My friend who owns TLC realty purchases 100 pillows at a time for me. So every child coming into our shelters gets a new pillow and a darling case. Some kiddo’s never had a pillow, just used someone else’s (or in one case a folded up towel). Only one daughter left in California she is in Folsom. My traveling buddy, Marlene. 2 sons are still in California, (both special needs guys) living in group homes. The rest of my clan have moved out of here because of jobs and politics. Gives me and Marlene places to go visit!!! Again, Happy Birthday!!
Happy Birthday Dan.
Posted on: Jun 13, 2023 at 5:51 AM
Happy Birthday Susan!
Jim was the first person I met when my family moved and I started Hollywood Park Elementary in the 6th grade. Jim was one of my closest friends. Our older brothers My brother Bill and Jim's brother Glenn were best friends. We were the tag alongs with them,riding around in their souped up cars, taking us on K street and to the drive in's for milkshakes. We learned all the popular songs from our older brothers by listening to their car radio's. Jim & Glenn we're like 2 more brothers for me. Jim and I double dated together, me with Danny Roark and Jim withPatsy Patterson. We all had shirts made by Jim's mom Betty so we could wear them to the State Fair. Jim and I walked down the graduation aisle together. I will miss Jim so very much. We continued to keep in touch throughout all these years! REST IN PEACE SWEET BROTHER.
This is a message I received from Jim Smith' wife Betty. Betty is not choosing to do an obituary.
Happy BirthdayJuanita
Posted on: Nov 06, 2022 at 1:33 AM
Ed, that math teacher was Mr. Adamson!
Happy Birthday Janie
Happy Birthday, hope your day is filled with Blessings and Love
Happy Birthday Juanita!
Happy upcoming Birthday!
Posted on: Jul 10, 2020 at 9:25 AM
Happy Birthday Vicki,