In Memory

Dennis Erfert VIEW PROFILE

Dennis Erfert

Paulette Erfert noted that Dennis Erfert passed away on Septembet 17, 2024.  No details are available at this time.  If anyone has further details, please notify


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09/23/24 08:44 AM #1    

Barry Thornton

Thus the circle diminishes, but fond memories persist.  Here's wishing the essence of you an intersting awakening.

y Thornton

09/23/24 09:25 AM #2    

Michael McGarry

Dennis and I were joined at the hip for at least 35 years, with Baseball, Fishing, School, Business, even lived in the same neighbor hoods, Sutterville Heights to East Sacramento. While in the Navy (USS Choral Sea) we always wrote letters to keep in touch. When theyreurned from the Orient  I would pick him up in Alameda and we would go straight to Santa Cruz. Dennis and I were roomates in downtown Sacramento until his Marriage to Paulette.  Love the Guy, he will be missed. I am dissapointed I didn't make my last trip to the VA facility in the Heights. Dennis is in a better Place. 

If there is a Memorial service planned I would like to help or hear about it. Still have Lots of photos of me and Erf.

Michael "Mike" "Mac" McGarry    925 683 1557


09/23/24 03:55 PM #3    

Marvin Manley

Dennis was a very good person.  hope he had a great life.  I went to Sutterville Elementsry, joaquin miller jr high and McClatchy High School with Dennis.


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