A little bit of history here for a mostly forgotten classmate! Donna was the little sister of a high school friend, John Craner. Juhn & Donna lived in Freeprt Manor, acroos from what was Sac's main airport at the time. John & Donna were 'nomads' along with their parents. The father having managed ranches in Idaho & Nevada. They wound up in Cortland, Ca., with the father managing a ranch there. Then moved to Sacramento for thier last years of school. Brother John now lives in Elko, NV.. A high school friend & I visited him a week ago. John has had a colorful life! To say the least!
Terri Weborg (Bartell)
Donna, Rest in Peace Class of 62
Art Carlson
A little bit of history here for a mostly forgotten classmate! Donna was the little sister of a high school friend, John Craner. Juhn & Donna lived in Freeprt Manor, acroos from what was Sac's main airport at the time. John & Donna were 'nomads' along with their parents. The father having managed ranches in Idaho & Nevada. They wound up in Cortland, Ca., with the father managing a ranch there. Then moved to Sacramento for thier last years of school. Brother John now lives in Elko, NV.. A high school friend & I visited him a week ago. John has had a colorful life! To say the least!
Nicole Cyr (Contarini)
Thanks Art Carlson for the informative update - was not aware of Donna and Johns teen years - sorry😶